What people are saying.

  • “The other day I ate a pear, and, as I always do when I taste pear now, I thought of you, and the slivers of pear you brought me in labor, when I didn't even know I was hungry, or that I wanted to eat, and how exquisite it tasted, and was. I felt for a moment the perfect strength and peace of those hours at home: how safe, free, and supported I felt (and was! I think you literally held me up for HOURS). In the years since V’s birth, whenever I have needed courage or strength I have been able to summon it from the memory of those hours. It is a gift in my life almost as great as our girl herself. I am so, so grateful to you, and my birth team, for making that space with me and protecting it so fiercely.”

    — CVH

  • "We were very hesitant about using a doula. I’m very independent and was nervous about having someone I didn’t know well in the room during that vulnerable time. Our birth center really encouraged a doula however and Taylor came into our life in a seemingly fateful way. She came over ahead of time for us to meet and for a prenatal massage to better figure out what pressure is best for me when the time came. She was incredibly understanding of my hesitations and I felt reassured after that we had made the right decision. She was quick to respond during a false labor scare and also when we knew for sure little girl was coming. She made it to my house really quickly and immediately knew how to help me and even more so gave my fiancé the confidence to help me. We weren’t at the house long before moving to the birth center. It was a really short labor but Taylor was so amazing the whole time. She was intuitive, knowing when to step in and when to let me have my space. The day after labor she came by to check on us and brought THE best soup I have ever had. We loved having her as a part of our birthing experience and would gladly have her at future births!"

    — WM

  • “We were beyond blessed to have had Taylor by our side during the birth of our son. She is an absolutely magical human and the calm and peace She provided me is something I will forever be grateful for. Taylor, you will always hold a very special place in my heart for helping provide me with so much love, strength, guidance and reassurance!”

    — NB